In Partnership With:

Optimize Your Tech Team's Performance

We hear this a lot:
"How can I get my junior folks to the mid and senior levels of experience faster so they can be even more productive?"

Beyond a baseline of technical skills and ability, there’s a gap in professional performance between junior talent and senior talent that can be filled with stronger non-technical skills and additional technical skills knowledge.

On-the-job training takes too long to level-up juniors to seniors and distracts senior mentors from their own deliverables.

Relatedly, it can be hard for companies to hire senior-calibre talent directly at a cost-effective rate.

We have a practical training program focused on combining technical and non-technical skills to deliver more business value regardless of experience level.

The Jr2Sr Program

While it’s important to have strong technical skills, many of the biggest differences in talent between junior and senior people are the non-technical skills for solving people problems in industries like IT, CyberSecurity, Data Engineering, Robotics, Advanced Manufacturing and Energy.

Who is it for?

Companies, Teams & Organizations, who are looking to…

Create a high-performance company culture of ownership without adding a ton of management and process overhead
Invest in growing leaders within your organization for improved collaboration and delivery without the risk of outside hiring
Take your team from reactive busy-work to proactive delivery and strategic thinking without pointlessly inflating titles

Early-career technical individual contributors who are actively trying to…

Optimize their technical skills to make more impact on your business and industry with less effort and throwaway work
Learn how to make better key decisions in the day-to-day and fully leverage your team without feeling like an imposter
Level up your thinking with broader perspectives to position themselves for promotion or hire within your organization without stepping on toes or playing politics
Get Started
One of the Biggest Blockers

Imposter Syndrome

Research shows ~70% of people experience Imposter Syndrome at times.

40% of professionals suffer to the point of holding them back in their career performance.

We'll help you deal with it once and for all so you can equip your team to confidently lead at the next level.

How the Jr2Sr Program Works

Each person and business situation needs different skills and strategies at different times, but most training programs are linear courses and aren't tailored to meet individual gaps and goals at the right time and place.

To solve this problem, we combined an interactive group of like-minded folks working with coaches towards a common goal (leveling up) with curriculum and earned wisdom from experts with track records (The Knowledgebase) into a singular tool that provides synchronous support and asynchronous on-demand learning to solve problems and goals people are facing right now.

The three pillars of support for the Jr2Sr Program are drawn from our Collective Learning Methodology to deliver rapid results in a psychologically safe environment.

Always-On-Demand Learning for Self-Study

Access an extensive library of self-study curriculum to learn Syllabus topics and know what to do, when in new situations.

Bi-Weekly Active Education Sessions

Learn non-technical skills like Proactive Communication and Strategic Thinking in a virtual classroom-style live environment.

Bi-Weekly Office Hours & Community

Open forum for questions about the curriculum and how to apply the lessons to get leverage in day-to-day work.


Each topic covers a 2 week sprint of self-paced study, group training, and practical implementation:

Strategic Thinking and Planning
Supporting the Needs and Goals of your Superiors and Peers
Creating Influence Without Power
Mental Models and Frameworks to Create Cost-Effective Results
Achieving Goals vs. Solving Problems
Understanding People
Motivation Strategies
Navigating Matrix Organizations
Setting Standards and Reinforcing Best Practices
Team Alignment and Motivation
Leveraging Delegation
Negotiation and Conflict Resolution

Frequently Asked Questions

When does it start?

We offer open enrollment for your convenience.

What is the time commitment?

Learners commit 5 hours per week of async self-study and live sessions, Think Time, and Implementation to level up their skills and make the most of the rest of their work time to be more productive.

Any other questions?

Book a call to talk with us about enrolling.

Join the Waitlist

Complete the form to join our next available cohort.